Safe Sunscreen for You and Baby

Some of the most common questions that we hear relate to finding sunscreen options that are safe and effective for your little ones. At Swaddle, we strive to bring you the most up to date information related to products for your baby. We research every item that we bring into the store so that you can confidently choose from safe options for your children! We are happy to have some updated news related to sunscreen.
Types of Sunscreen for your Baby
Basically, there are 2 types of sunscreen on the market: Chemical and Mineral
Chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin and breakdown the UV rays that are also absorbed, whereas mineral sunscreens sit on top of the skin and act as a reflective layer that blocks the sun’s harmful rays from entering our bodies.
We have carried Think Baby’s amazing sunscreen for several years and still stand firm behind their mission and amazing products. Something that many of our clients don’t realize is that Think Baby and Think Sport are not just “baby sunscreens” but perfect for the entire family! What’s safe for your little one acts as an amazing safe option for Mom and Dad as well.
Think Baby Sunscreen
Think Baby’s sunscreen is mineral based and is naturally SPF 50. A chemical sunscreen has to add more chemicals in order to increase the SPF protection. However, these added chemicals just add yucky ingredients that are unsafe and only offer minimal protection. Did you know that the American Academy of Dermatology recommends use of an SPF between 30 and 50? Chemical sunscreens will offer higher SPFs, sometimes reaching all the way up to 100, but at great cost to our health. These higher SPF options contain much higher rates of nasty chemicals that are quickly absorbed into our blood and can have adverse effects.
Listed below are just a few of the reasons we are thrilled to be able to offer this product to our customers:
- It is free of biologically harmful chemicals…No Avobenzone, Oxybenzone, or UV chemical absorbers which are known endocrine disrupters for the body and also very harmful on coral reefs in our oceans.
- Paraben, phthalates, PABA and dioxane free.
- Applies and absorbs easily. Non-oily feel.
- It is produced in the USA
- Does not have an obtrusive smell that many organic sunscreens have
- Think Baby sunscreen is a member of the Safe Cosmetics Campaign Compact
You can find out more about Think Baby Sunscreen and purchase here, or come see us at Swaddle and stock up! Available in 3 oz or 6 oz, and also a Face Stick for easy application!
- Tags: safeproducts sunscreen thinkbaby